Thursday, September 6, 2007

Microwave Popcorn and the Popcorn Maker with Less Butter to Prevent the Popcorn Lung Disease

I make popcorn all the time when I'm at a Bed and Breakfast along with easy grilled chicken.

The first step to make popcorn is to put it in the microwave for 2 or 3 minutes.

The next step is to take it out of the microwave so it can cool down.

Then, you just eat the popcorn.

I like popcorn because its a good snack.

I love to put extra butter on my popcorn.

However, I have to be careful so I won't get the popcorn lung disease. Its important to cut down on the butter.

The New Popcorn Maker

This Old-Fashioned Movie Time Kettle Popcorn Maker can hold I lot of popcorn.

I'm going to give it a try.

They say its better than microwave popcorn.


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